An Eclectic Tabletop Collection For Adventurous Souls in New England

At Gooseberry Tabletop, we curated high-quality heirlooms and modern tabletops locally and from artisans worldwide, ensuring each collection has a personal touch and makes our clients feel genuinely cherished. Every item is a canvas for your style, helping you create a highly stylized, elegant look with subtle luxury and meaningful touches. Whether your theme is a traditional, contemporary, or vintage wedding, our collections cater to your unique preferences.


Wedding Chicks
junebug weddings

Curated pieces for memorable events

New England's Premier Boutique Tabletop Rental

Your Signature Style Deserves Personalized Service

To us, you're not just a customer, you're an inspiration and we’re deeply invested in ensuring your table design breaks the mold. The kind that makes your guests say ‘Wow. This is so ‘them’. Such personalized dedication allows us to offer a truly unique service to our clients.